Text buttons


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                                                                label-text="Button Label"

Primary button example with a label and an icon


Usage guidelines

  • Text buttons clearly communicate actions users can take to achieve a goal.
  • We use them in forms, modals, panels, action bars, and menus.
  • In forms, button size should match the size of form elements.
  • For forms with a single button, buttons can take the width of the form fields, filling the container.
  • Button groups should be aligned to the right. Button groups of 3 buttons should have the third button aligned to the left. Within a button group, the primary action button should be right-most.



  • Buttons react on click with no delay.
  • If the result of an action triggered by a button click cannot be displayed instantly, use the loading button variant until user can be moved on to the next step.
  • If a button is disabled, display an infotip to inform users of the reason.


Do's and dont's

  • Buttons are not links and should not be used as a purely navigational elements.


Content guidelines

  • A button label should be clear and precisely describe the purpose of the button, or the action performed.
  • Keep labels short, no more than 3 words.
  • Avoid labels such as "Click here". Particularly in the context of Player, it is important that labels are meaningful when read out loud without surrounding text.
  • In case of buttons used in Player, test for varying label length in different languages.




  • For the single most important action that moves the task forward within a context.


  • For supplementary actions that the user can take.
  • Use the Basic variant to additionally de-emphasize a secondary action.


  • For less important actions available to the user, e.g. taking them outside of the main flow.
  • Use the Basic variant to additionally de-emphasize a tertiary action.

Destructive buttons

  • Primary destructive button: use when a destructive action is the presumed intent of the user, e.g. to confirm deletion.
  • Secondary destructive button: use when a destructive action is one of multiple actions available to the user, e.g. when editing an entity.

Buttons with icons

  • Add a left icon when you want to emphasize the purpose of the button.
  • Add a right icon when you want to emphasize the action of the button.




  • For main CTAs and in most forms (when combined with L-size form elements) in the Portal
Minimum spacing for L-size buttons

Minimum spacing for L-size buttons



  • Main button size in Editor and Player.
Minimum spacing for M-size buttons

Minimum spacing for M-size buttons


  • For contained areas of limited size, e.g. the browser extension, date picker, "set as default" pattern.
Minimum spacing for S-size buttons

Minimum spacing for S-size buttons